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thing seems so well till then

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Things seems to goes smooth for me in my career for near half a year. Sales picking up, client base growing. However, all hope and positive mindset just topple to ground zero with just a phone call today at 2 plus when i meeting a friend for lunch.

Once again, failed to hit my minimum requirement as per mentioned by my manager. As a result my contract is at a risk of being terminated. It was a moment of shock to me when for the few months, my sales are picking up almost double as compare to last year. Yet, it was still report as i fail to meet my contract maintenance.

I really hope this appeal letter i wrote earlier. will be the my last and no more. And i will be able to clear for the remaining quarter. My mind is really blank right now on the ways and ideas to bring in new cases ready. I had tried whatever way i could. I just hope for a miracle only. Which is just a piece of blank hope. Just hope that my hard work will come to past soon.

Ppl ask me to quit? Why i dun? Reason simple. First is the career i in. To most of you, you all might think it's a dumb fuck career, running about asking ppl to buy insurance. But in my point of view., sales in one thing, money another. That's ok. But ultimately, i stay not cause of this two factors. Is the promise i made to all my client. I really wan to taken care of their policy in my very own hand.

Journey through this phase of my life @ |{Wednesday, June 24, 2009|

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

certain things are better to keep within myself. If this coming few days, guys if ever i had a FUCK UP attitude. PLS pardon me. Not on purpose. Just certain things in my mind right now.

Just respect me once, don't ask me what's in my mind. Will not wish to disclose, or in another word, i have no idea what it is anyway.

Will try to overwork myself to make myself tired to not to bother by it. Or let the pain of my pain injury makes me unable to think. Either way...


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Journey through this phase of my life @ |{Tuesday, June 02, 2009|

The guy

About Me

  • NAME: Gareth Lim formally known as Gareth F Seiei
  • Working as an insurance agent in AIA right now. Do support me k? lol =D


  • Rising Star/ shinning stars in AIA 2009
  • Laptop
  • Renovate my room


Crap here~


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